021-502225 , 021-502314


Biratnagar, Nepal

The students must strictly abide by the rules, laid down by the school, during his/her association with the school. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who violate any of the rules.

    • A student must not leave the school premises without the consent of the Administrative authority.
    • Parents/Guardians must not visit their wards and teachers without the permission of the Administrative authority.
    • Strict punctuality is to be followed by all students. Move quickly from class to class. Respond to the school bell immediately after the breaks.
    • Students who are found to be using unfair means or helping friends during the examination, will be expelled from the examination. Repeated indiscipline may lead to expulsion from school.
    • Students must keep their short at all times. No fancy hairstyle is permitted. Dyeing or bleaching of hair is strictly not permitted.
    • Proper dress code is to be followed strictly on school days. Wearing of decent uniform, on weekdays is compulsory. In class days and school functions, students must wear the prescribed uniform. The  uniform must be neat and clean.
    • Regular school attendance is a must. Absence must be notified in writing. The leave application must be written ans signed by parents/guardians. Repeated or unexplained absence for more than three days may lead to the child's name being struck off.
    • those who tamper with the school property, damaging or destroying it, will have to pay for the damage to the school. Damage to the school property will be charged either to an individual or a group or to the whole class as the case demands.